Friday, August 22, 2008

God is Wonderful

It has been awhile since we have blogged, and yes we are still here, in Kenya that is. First I would like to mention some prayer requests:
1. Against Satan's evil schemes that try to discourage us.
2. Tricia has not been feeling well as of late. We are claiming God's healing hand to help her through this low time.
3. Adaptation to the new teaching environment for Ed.
4. We had a friend who went to the coast with one of the youth groups on a mission trip. The Kenyan schools are on break now. A boy named Stephen went missing for two days. They found him on the shore, he had drowned. Pray for his family, friends and youth group.
5. Tricia and her new job with the school. She is the elementary counselor and TA. Pray that God will give her wisdom and creativity to reach the students.
6. God will show us a church home.
7. Opportunities to share the word with those we come in contact with.

Much has happened since the last time we blogged. As you have read Tricia is now working for the school as an elementary counselor and TA. I have been teaching for two weeks and am slowly getting in the groove of things. The best part is getting to lead devotion and talk freely with my students about Jesus.  Last Sat. we experienced a meal and time with friends at a place called Diamond Plaza. The food was great. Also, last Sat. Tricia cut my hair for the very first time and did a wonderful job. Now that we have the internet at the house we will try to blog twice a week and will be putting pictures up shortly.

In Christ,
Tricia and Ed


Amy said...

Hey, guys. Tricia I worked with Ed at CJH. I was thrilled to see you have a blog. It will be great being able to keep up with you guys and I will be keeping you in my prayers! Check out my blog,

Anonymous said...

Hey Brother. It is so good to hear for you. It sounds like God is starting a good work in this chapter of your lives. Know that you and Tricia are constantly in our prayers. The kids ask about you daily and miss you both very much. They both start school this week and seem to be very excited. So please pray for them and in Andrew's case his teacher as well. I hope to have our camera set up soon so that we can call and see you.

We love You and Miss You!!!
God Bless,
Herman, Brandi, Behtany, Andrew, and Baby

Lee & Staci said...

We had no idea that you guys have a blog! It was great to hear your voices the other day. We're looking forward to more of those conversations, and more updates on your blog!